
About This Blog

Never touched a transistor? Or lit an LED?

Transistorize Me is a blog about simple electronic circuits. No soldering or special skills are needed!

I provide instructions for absolute beginners. Let's see if you or your child might enjoy electronics and becoming a "maker". My blog is about rapid immersion, jumping right into building simple easy-to-build transistor circuits.

No training is required! No math, formulas or equations. We skip ahead to the fun steps.

We also explore how to modify or "hack" each basic circuit to get other useful results. We use low-power battery designs that are very safe. We use basic parts that are cheap and easy to get. We use plug-in breadboards for quick assembly and hacking. The goal is to provide a quick reward: a real working circuit... and long-term rewards: achievement, confidence, curiosity.

I have some Intro pages, in case you want or need more background. If you're an absolute beginner, check them out. But they aren't required reading. If you already have the parts, you can dive right in to the Projects.

I wrote these next articles describing my live workshop events with beginners. The Maker Faire has been the best meeting place for beginners and experts, artists and by-standers, and everyfolk in between.

Just some fun script... on mouse-over...
Transistorize Me!


Transistorize Me!
